Ready for advanced obedience training and want ideas for what to do next? Let's look at one option: Fenzi TEAM Titles (
TEAM stands for Training Excellence Assessment Modules, and is made up of 6 levels of video "tests" for foundation through advanced obedience training skills. Levels 1 - 3 are Sport Foundation, and build valuable sport skills from formal obedience to rally, freestyle, or even agility. Levels 4 - 6 are Obedience Master and practice complex behavior chains, reduced reinforcement, and a high degree of fluency and discrimination.
What I like about the TEAM program:
- Sensible progression of skills, starting with a range of basic foundation items and layering of new challenges at each level
- Modular structure makes it rewarding to work on individual pieces of a complicated exercise so that it doesn't feel overwhelming
- Completing the video test is hard! If you plan to compete in live trials, the tests are a better simulation than you might imagine
- Don't get a successful video? No problem, try again tomorrow. If you mess up in a live trial, you have a long drive home, and you might wait weeks to try again.
- Tests require that you are very specific about your cues and your treats, so you are pushed to practice clean handling and mechanics
- Don't care about the video tests? Most of the skills still have practical, "real life" application, so you can still use the structure and the checklist
Cheat sheet for Level 1 exercises - right click to enlarge.
Formatting credit to Emily Gaydos
Examples of passing Level 1 videos:
Jan & Sky:
Janet & Teddy:
And before you ask: No, you do not have to be a poodle-owner named Janet in order to play.
Want to try it?
- WOOFS! students: join the Sports Obedience class
- WOOFS! Facebook group for Dog Sports & Tricks - Official TEAM Facebook group: - Fenzi Dog Sports Academy holds a multitude of terrific online classes:
WOOFS! Dog Training Center is not affiliated with Fenzi TEAM Titles or the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.
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