Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Help for Dog Reactivity

By Laura Sharkey
Originally Published on ARLNow.com

A reactive dog is a dog that reacts to specific things in their environment by becoming highly aroused and in most cases, barking and lunging. These dogs can appear to be aggressive, dangerous and “out of control.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Vet Visit Etiquette and Training

By Laura Sharkey
Originally Published on ARLNow.com

A few weeks ago, Clarendon Animal Care wrote a great article with tips for a great vet visit. You can read it here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Meet the Daycare Team: March 2016

By Cynthia Robertson

WOOFS! has an awesome staff. So who are these people who choose to spend their days with the dogs? This month we are featuring Tiffany.